Term 1 2016 Newsletter



Welcome to Term One.  The three Year Three class teachers contact email addresses are:

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions.  To make an appointment, please contact your child’s teacher through the school office, write a short note or email your class teacher.  We will get back to you with a suitable time to meet.

In addition all Year Three teachers use blogs and Twitter to keep parents up to date with the routines and events happening each week in Year Three.  If you have not had a chance to view our blogs and tweets, please take some time to have a look at them using the following addresses:


3 Navy

Blog:                  http://mrslynchclass.blogspot.com.au/

Twitter:              @thelynchclan

3 Green

Blog:                  http://mrstelfordsclassroom.blogspot.com.au/

Twitter:              @sontelford

3 Maroon

Blog:                 http://3maroon2016.weebly.com/

Twitter:              @Miss_Francia_



In Religion this term, students will collaboratively create a class Vision Statement outlining the rules of the classroom and school environment. They will be learning about the scripture story of Moses and its origins  in the Jewish faith. 



Literacy will compose of daily reading and writing workshops. Reading comprehension strategies will comprise of main ideas, supporting facts and retell. Writing workshops will compose of daily flash writing, focusing on specific writing traits to encourage descriptive language. There will also be a specific focus on spelling, grammar and punctuation each week.



In class children will be practising daily number fact recall and strategies. They will be exploring numbers to 1000, completing addition and subtraction operations, revising time and money, exploring the properties of 3D shapes and representing data using tables and graphs.



In History, the students will be exploring the lifestyles and traditions of Australian Aborigines in our local area. Focus areas include hunting/gathering, food, shelter and clothing.






In Science this term the students will be investigating how liquids and solids respond to changes in temperature. To test their predictions they will carry out a number of experiments.


Students will learn about Australian states and territories and their corresponding capital cities.  They will also explore man-made and natural landmarks.


Students in Three Maroon will take part in Physical Education lessons every Friday for one hour each week. These students will participate in a one hour music lesson each Thursday. Students in Three Navy will take part in Physical Education lessons every Thursday for one hour each week. These students will participate in a one hour music lesson each Tuesday. Students in Three Green will take part in Physical Education each Tuesday for one hour each week. These students will participate in a one hour music lesson each Friday.  Please note that all Year Three students may wear their sports uniform on Mondays as well as their allocated Physical Education days. All Year Three students will attend a library lesson each Wednesday. Please ensure students have their books to return or re-borrow and a library bag for borrowing.


Homework will be given to the students on Monday and it is due back each Friday. Homework will consist of spelling words and number facts. Home Readers will be sent home every day. Reading is an essential part of your child’s daily homework. Please sign and date the sheet that is attached to the inside of your child’s homework book. Please note that the purpose of Home Readers is to instil confidence in your child. The books are specifically chosen to be able to be read independently by the child to an adult. Your child should be able to retell the story and answer a range of questions you pose. This will aid their comprehension skills.


Each morning students are given an opportunity to have a small fruit or vegetable snack prior to First Break. This is to boost their energy levels and maintain concentration.


It is important for your child to bring a water bottle to school every day, especially during the summer months. Hydration is widely recognised as essential for proper brain function. Students are encouraged to have their water bottle with them in class as this lessens the need for them to go outside for a drink and miss valuable learning time.


Yours sincerely,


Sonya Telford, Gay Lynch. Sarah Francia

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